April 5, 2012

Cabbage Leaves

Day one of no pumping and my boobs are hard as rocks! Ouch! Just holding Carson hurts. I did give in and pump for about three minutes this morning just to relieve a bit of the pressure so I could function. I guess since I'm desperate enough I'm going to try using cabbage leaves. I went to the store and basically only bought a head of cabbage. I must have looked weird.

I hope the cabbage leaves help and the milk stops soon! I went to bed without a bra last night and that was a mistake. I woke up covered in milk.... ewww! There is nothing all that easy when it comes to stopping milk production. Carson still has no interest in feeding. I did try again just to see what he would do and he did not want to be put in the feeding position. It's almost been a week now.

I've made my decision and I'm just going to stick with it. I was reading a site about child lead weaning and it just made me feel bad about stopping at this point. I know that I'm doing what's best for my baby and myself. I can't keep forcing a baby to breastfeed.

Bottle feeding is going well. Carson is happier and sleeping better too. He was up a few too many times last night for some unknown reasons, but it's all good. We're figuring things out one day at a time.

How to use Cabbage Leaves to help relieve engorgement

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