January 30, 2014

Fit and Pregnant the 2nd Time Around { + my go to snack recipe }

I want to start by talking about what I thought about working out while I was pregnant with Carson... I was very cautious. I remember being about 6 weeks pregnant going to a Body Attack class with a friend and the entire time thinking that the tiny egg was bouncing around in my uterus. My boobs were so sore too, so that was the last time I did that class my entire pregnancy. I stuck to RPM and Body Pump only. I gave up Body Pump at about 23 weeks because I had gained over 20 pounds and my lower back was sore.  I went on to gain 60 pounds taking me to a weight of 200lbs!!! 

After I had Carson, the weight certainly didn't magically disappear. I remember going to my 6 week check up at the doctor and almost having a melt down because I was still 194lbs. I did have a c-section, but still, I was under the impression that once the baby came out, the weight came off. Was I ever wrong.

It took me about 18-20 months to loose ALL the weight.  It was so much work and the hardest thing I've ever had to do. Trying to find time to workout while having a new baby was hard. I eventually gave up on leaving the house too many times a week and worked out a lot at home. Jillian Michaels is my hero! 

So, that's a brief background of what I struggled through. I also made huge changes in how my family eats as well. I learned a lot by following Hol:Fit

Being pregnant again was so exciting, but I instantly became anxious about gaining weight again. I was at my healthiest weight and felt super strong. I just didn't want to throw all my hard work away. I knew there had to be a way to do this better the second time. I talked with my doctor to make sure she knew how intense my workouts were and made sure it was ok to continue my current routine throughout the first trimester. I was given the approval so I kept up with everything for about 2 weeks. I had some light spotting which freaked me right out. I decided that I had to stop all exercise until I knew everything was ok with the baby. We had an ultrasound at 7 weeks and the heart rate was great and everything else was normal. I was still nervous. The spotting eventually stopped. It only lasted for 10 days, but it was scary. Once it had stopped long enough, I started easing my way back into my fitness routine. Between workouts at home and the gym, I got back to where I was. 

Now, I'm almost 22 weeks and feeling amazing! I've only gained 10 pounds and am feeling very strong. Three main pieces of advice have helped me get to where I am now:

{1} Brace your abs. It's like giving a hug to your baby

      I for sure let my abs go very early with Carson. I was scared to suck it in thinking I wouldn't be giving him enough room to grow. What was wrong with me?? 

{2} Listen to your body. If you were doing it before you were pregnant, it's ok to elevate your heart rate and push yourself. As long as you don't feel like you need a nap after your workout, you didn't push yourself too hard. 

     With Carson, I was much more concerned about heart rate. I remember it took literally nothing to be at 140. I ended up not really enjoying my spin classes because I was so worried about being breathless and thinking I was going to make my baby stupid by depriving him of oxygen. I can tell you now, he's a very smart boy, I didn't need to worry SO MUCH!

{3} Do not eat for TWO!!! Just keep eating what you ate before and even when you're working out, just make sure you're drinking lots of water and having balanced meals with healthy proteins and veggies.

      This is HUGE for me. I ate like a pig with Carson. Yes, he turned out healthy, but I think he would have regardless. Eating 90 grams of protein a day was crazy. I ate 2-3 bowls of cereal for breakfast too. I'm pretty sure that's part of the weight gain issue. Pancakes and sausages too on weekends... ya, that was the issue.. 

Following those 3 tips have really helped me to feel this great. I've also added an extra component and have been focused on upper back strength. Something I've been weak with anyway. It's made a huge difference to hammer out a few sets of assisted chin ups and rows before or after a cardio class at the gym. It's helping me compensate for my bigger boobs and belly :) 

Overall, this pregnancy has been so much easier because I know what I'm doing this time. I'm more aware of my body and what's ok and what's also not ok. I'm determined to keep the weight gain down, but I'm also ok with gaining some weight. I know that's part of the whole journey. I'm a happier person when I'm active as well. My husband knows when I need a workout!! There are so many benefits to keeping active during pregnancy. I'm so grateful that I have the time and energy to keep up with my fitness. 

Here's my favourite EASY snack recipe. I stole this from Hol:Fit. this makes enough for an entire week for 2-3 people. I freeze them wrapped individually for an easy grab and go snack :) ENJOY!

Mix all the wet ingredients together first in a large bowl. Then add all the dry ingredients and mix well. Use a glass baking dish and line with parchment paper. Spread mixture into bowl. Pop in the freezer for about an hour. Take out and cut into squares. YUM!
  • 1 ripe banana mashed {or 4 dates pureed with water to make paste)
  • 2 tbsp Coconut oil melt in micro for 10 sec
  • 1 tsp Vanilla Extract
  • 1/4 c Maple Syrup
  • 1/2 c Peanut Butter (or any nut butter i.e. almond, pecan, cashew, etc.)
  • 1.5 c Oats {I use 1/2 c or more quinoa flakes}
  • 1/2 c Shredded Coconut
  • 1/2 c Raisins (or goji berries, date chunks, cranberries, craisins, dried cherries/mangoes/apricots/etc. Any dried fruit or SEEDS
  • 1/2 c Chocolate Chips & Cacao nibs mixed
  • 4 scoops Natural Whey Protein Powder
  • 2 Tbsp Flax Seeds
  • 2 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
  • 1.5 Tsp Cinnamon

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