March 4, 2014

Big Boy Room

We've had Carson's big boy room painted and pretty much put together for over 6 months now. Making the change to his new room felt like an impossible task. I had many concerns about changing things too soon. With all the sleep problems we've gone through in the past, I just wanted to leave things the way they were.

Our bedtime routine has always started with a bath, followed by pj's and books in our bed. By books, I mean 5+ books. I do enjoy spending that special time with Carson. Books are such an important part of development and learning. My parents saved all the books that they read to me and my 2 siblings and it's amazing to be able to share those same moments with my son now. Thanks Mom and Dad for saving those books for me and for spending so much time with me too when I was little. 

After all the books are read and thrown off the bed (we had to stop this one too... oh boys are just crazy!), Carson turned on his turtle to see the moon and stars and said good night to Daddy. Then I rocked him in his chair and sung various songs. I loved this time with him. Sometimes he's be a bit hyper and kicked me a lot. That was starting to get uncomfortable with the baby growing in my belly, but I still held onto the fact that he was my baby still and I didn't want to let go. 

With the potty training being so successful and the issues we were having with him calling us back into his room at bedtime, we figured that we should move him to his new room. We do need time to get ready for his little brother's arrival in three months time.

We told him that he was going to sleep in his new big boy room in the morning and made a big deal about it all day. He seemed very excited. We hung up some of the pictures and changed the bedding again since our dog Arlo has been using it as his bed over the past few months. 

We bathed him and put his pj's on him in his new room. We had moved everything in the new room. Even the books. He kept saying he was going to sleep in his new room. When I had spent about 25 minutes reading books, I told him it was his last book. He still wanted more. I figured he was just a little nervous about a new room, so I read him about 2 more books. Then he turned on his turtle and turned off his light. I tucked him in and he wanted some songs. After a lot of songs, I left. I sat outside in the hall and waited. This day he didn't nap, so we thought he would be really tired out. He asked for me again, so I went back to sing to him again. I went back to the hall and waited.

Sure enough, he got out of the bed and came out crying saying he wanted his crib. He was really upset. I hugged him and tried to calm him down. We both talked to him and told him what a big boy he was. We told him how much more room he'll have in his new room. We also said that his new baby brother needs the crib and that he wasn't a baby anymore. He calmed down and we tucked him back in and I sang even more songs. Then he went to sleep and slept for 12 hours without a peep!

The next two nights were a bit harder. One night he woke up 3 times just saying he needed me. I had to just sing to him and then he was fine, but I was getting pretty burnt out. He also fell out of the bed twice one night. I just had to put him back in and he went back to sleep, but it was still exhausting. I learned to pull the sheets a lot tighter and tuck them into the mattress. He hasn't fallen out since.

So, it's been over a week now and Carson has been sleeping through the night for almost 12 hours in his new room. He wakes up by himself and comes into our room, sometimes without pants on because he has to pee! 

What a relief! In 3 weeks, Carson went from sleeping in a crib and wearing diapers to real underwear and a big boy bed! Crazy. I never would have believed anyone if they told me it would have been this simple. We had a couple challenges, but from what I've heard from other parents, we've had it pretty easy.

I haven't had a lot of time to reflect on these huge changes. I know people always say that kids grow up so quick, but it's true. Carson will be 3 years old in June. So much has changed. We've passed through some major milestones. I really owe a lot to my amazing husband too. We're a good team together and I wouldn't want to be doing this with anyone else. He's always there to support me and help me. We talk about everything that goes on and how to deal with any challenge we're faced with. I believe communicating and working together as parents really makes a difference. 

One other new thing is that we decided to take away naptime. Once we did that, Carson fell asleep much easier and slept longer at night. It means less fighting with him to get to bed. There were many nights that he still was awake at 9-930 and that was way too late. He would still wake up at 6-630am... way too early! Now bedtime is before 8 and he's waking up around 7-730. Perfect :)  Austin and I have more down time and are getting to bed earlier and I get to sleep in more or get up and have some time to myself if I need it. 

All these changes were so scary a few months ago, but everything has happened easily. I'm so impressed with Carson and how independent he is. He will always be my baby and I already miss our cuddles in his rocking chair, but I will never ever forget those precious moments we shared.

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