February 8, 2012

Carrier Trial

This week I decided to do a one week trial of baby carriers. Chiquita Baby does a trial and the store is convenient for me to go to. I have 3 different types of structured carries to try for a week. I already have 2 of the wrap fabric types but now that Carson is getting so heavy (17 pounds at 6 months!) I need something that will hold more of his weight to make it easier for us both.

I am trying the Manduca, Gemini and Onya Baby carrier's. 

I do have to thank two people for getting me into babywearing to begin with. Jess and Jayna. I was given my first wrap from Jayna and when I saw it I didn't think I'd ever be able to figure it out. Jess, thanks for coming over so much when Carson was little to help me figure it out. You also gave me the Sleepywear wrap to borrow which I love. It took practice and patience for me to learn to wear Carson more and I am glad I did it.

I better mention my husband too for being patient with me when I wanted to use the carrier and for supporting me and even using it yourself. What a man I have. All the help from you went a long way! Thank you.

Once I was comfortable wearing Carson in a sling and the wraps I had, I was wearing him everywhere. The dog park, all over the neighbourhood, the house, the mall, Farm Boy because their carts suck for babies and just about any chance I had. 

I really enjoy the benefits of babywearing. You can even nurse your baby while wearing them. This makes things much easier when out and about with a newborn who feeds constantly. I should have thought of that when we went to Montreal. It's not the most stroller friendly city.  

I often prefer wearing Carson to using a stroller whenever I can. It's more comforting for him to be close to me when we're out for a walk. He's warmer too and it gives him his Mommy time. It also allows me to be hands free when I want to be. 

Babywearing is great and up to now I've enjoyed it thoroughly. Finding a new structured carrier is this weeks task. I will update on my experience with each carrier and which one Carson and I choose :)

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