February 3, 2012

A Word About Patience...

Those of you who know me well, will laugh at this.

Patience.. what is that? Was I just simply born without it? I feel like I've been looking for it my whole life.

I have always wanted a family, and to become a Mother I figured I would need to be a lot more patient in order to survive. But, why would I want to learn to be patient? It sounded so hard and like something I could never do.

I have accepted that impatience is just ingrained in my personality. I was born that way. However, I have a choice whether or not I let that personality flaw take over my life. Here is how I learned about being patient on my journey to Motherhood.

Being pregnant comes with many choices. How to eat, how to exercise, how to dress, finding out the sex of your baby. I decided that the ultimate test in patience would be to wait to find out if we were having a girl or a boy.

I have never been good at waiting or dealing with unexpected changes. I was the little girl who went through my parents closet 2 weeks before Christmas and snooped to see what Santa was bringing for me. Waiting 9 months was going to be hard!

I was tested throughout my pregnancy too. Having four tempting ultrasounds, going 10 days overdue, being off work for a month before having Carson, being induced and waiting for the first contraction to start.... so many things, so much waiting. I had to do it though, I had to prove to myself that I can be different, that I could change and that I really wanted to. 

Carson was the biggest gift I've ever received. Waiting to find out the sex was so worth it.  He helped teach me to become much more patient, which I have really needed over the past 7 months.

Overall, I am happy to say that I have grown as a person. The once impatient Marie can somehow be suppressed if I want her to be. It has absolutely been a great challenge. Fighting against it every day. I have proved, however, that anyone can take something they don't like about themselves and change. If they want to. It's easy to resort back to my old self from time to time, but do I like that impatient side? Nope.

I have Carson to thank for teaching me to be more patient.  He has taught me many things about myself. It all started when he was so tiny and we had to make that big decision.

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