March 7, 2012

Mr. Independent

At 8 months old Carson has started to morph into a little man now. He was always very curious and determined to learn new things on his own, but now that is changing to independence.
Carson eating like a big boy! Sharing with Arlo.
I used to be able to give him anything to eat and now he wants to feed himself. I have tricked him into thinking he's feeding himself by letting him hold the spoon. At least this way he's putting the food in his mouth. If I don't let him touch the spoon, he often closes his lips and turns his head and yells at me. Seriously? At 8 months I'm getting attitude!

When Carson first started doing this I thought "Omg, he doesn't like chicken stew anymore? He loved it yesterday? Fine, I'll go make 4 other dishes for you until you eat." So, I was letting him control me. He started doing this with almost every food. Even finger foods he could eat himself, he was just playing with them and throwing them on the floor and letting Arlo lick them.... great, more mess! 

I've accepted it, my little 8'6 baby is now most likely 20 pounds and moving around. He wants to see and do things on his own.

He has also recently decided he likes to share. It all started with his soother. I was walking around with him one day and he took his soother out of his mouth and put it up to my mouth. I took it and he reached to get it back, put it in his mouth and gave it to me again. This continued as I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't realize at first what he was doing was intentional until he kept doing it. I guess he wanted me to stop singing to him! 

Later that day, he had the soother in his mouth and Arlo walked in to see us when we were playing on the floor and Carson reached out his hand with the soother and tried to give it to Arlo. There was no way I was letting Arlo destroy another soother. I praised Carson for sharing though. It's so cute. He tried to give me his mushy banana tonight too. I just said "No, thanks."  eeeww...

Mr. Independent at 8 months, playing new games and learning new skills each week. Parenthood is full of wonder and amazement. How did I get this lucky to have such a special boy in my life. I couldn't be happier.

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